Linde not only knows how to fly. She has learned to smile too. And, clearly, she’s been getting a lot of practice lately: 😀
Julia Roberts better watch out for this one!
Smokes your problems, coughs fresh air.
Linde not only knows how to fly. She has learned to smile too. And, clearly, she’s been getting a lot of practice lately: 😀
Julia Roberts better watch out for this one!
Linde is my niece. She was born to my sister in March of this year. I’m a very, very proud uncle. Did I mention how proud I am? I’m proud. Especially now that she is learning how to fly!
Popko, my dad, has founded the Omega Research Foundation in 1984 (when I was two years old). The Foundation was to serve as a a vehicle for his research into cyclical changes within ecological and social systems.
Last week, after 23 years of hibernation, the foundation has been geared up again to publish what Popko had already been wanting to publish these twenty plus years ago. So, what happened in between? For the last 15 years, Sicirec happened. Actually, Sicirec is still happening, but, starting last month, I don’t need to spend the majority of my waking hours on it anymore. That’s why I registered the domain and installed a wiki and a weblog under it.
Jorrit is also in on this project. We’re doing this together, the three of us, hoping to involve others from within and around our circle.
Norg, on an April the 8th in 1982: It was around 18:45 when my mother’s physician arrived, leaving his dessert untouched at home, just in time to witness my birth. (I was my mother’s fourth already and she never took much time between anouncing a birth and giving birth.) Without much further ado, I was delivered into this world as a sacky, slow, little fellow. So slow, in fact, that it was wondered by some (not my mom) if I wasn’t suffering Down Sydrome or something similar.
My father’s family name was van der Molen.
This is what I inherited.
To make me uniquely identifyable within our family, I was given a first name, Rowan.
To also make things a little symmetrical, a middle name, Rodrik,
was added some years later.
This is me, in 2004, copy-pasted between some rowan berries.
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Jorrit is a boy, the only other boy among my five siblings. He is the oldest son of our parents, and big brother to everyone except Arwen. Of the six of us, he’s easily the most intelligent.
The greatest of all dreamers, Jorrit’s great dream is that all other people will realize theirs.
Once, alone à la Boucoule in France, I saw a rainbow nearby. It ended in the mountainside only meters away, but the meters multiplied as I came closer…
Jorrit has never physically chased a rainbow. Yet, he has had to take truckloads of muck from people (such as me (and me (and me))) because of his dreams. They call him a dreamer, which he acknowledges: Yes, I am a dreamer!
Jorrit’s childhood dreams started as simple as many people’s dreams: after high-school, he wanted to travel, preferrably by motorcycle. Seeing different places and people, while roaming free was all I think he wanted. Such dreams, although considered by some to be frivolous, are still socially acceptable enough (as long as you grow out of it with time, of course).
Towards the end of high-school, some things happened: his deep dissatisfaction shifted from himself towards society and school. At seventeen he went on a spiritual retraite together with Popko, our father. There he met some changes of insight and also his first love. Eventually, he settled at his love Tineke’s place to live happily together.
There was one problem with his newly found happyness. Avatar, and later Landmark had greatly boosted his urge to change the world. He had left these courses with a feeling that with good-enough planning and persistence the world could be once again turned into a paradise. However, Tineke didn’t much like his more disruptive and revolutionary side. She preferred things to be relatively stable and secure. In the end, Jorrit required quite a bit of Cannabis to make his increasingly boring life and increasingly dull dead-end jobs more bearable.
But, drug usage and dead-endness notwithstanding, life was good with his lovely Lady. That is, untill she wanted to move on with an older man. To Jorrit, his and Tineke’s ±25 years of difference in age seemed less of a problem, but he obligued.
Then, back to our Dad Popko’s place, where he spend a year or two feeling quite depressed. During that time, he worked for Popko. Eventually, he and Popko clashed more often due to a lack of mutual respect and Jorrit moved to a place of his own in the city of Groningen.
During that hopeful time
For a while, life seemed much greather there. He had his own little garden, could get up whenever he damn well pleased and could smoke all the weed he wanted without anyone commenting on these or other bad habits. This would be the environment from which he could start to organize things in order to change the world around him.
But, plans remained plans. No freedom was aquired and no freedom was spread. Society stayed as stubournly stupid as it has always been (for the last ten thousand years, that is).
Often, I’ve told him: Open your eyes! Look around you! There are plenty of happy people!
Sometimes, he vaguely acknowledged this, but only to stop me from acting smug, because the truth is simply too obvious: most people are not even satisfied
with their lifes, let alone happy; the world population at large is doing misarable. We’re so dysfunctional that we can’t even preserve the very environment that sustains us.
But, few of us like to hear the truth, even if the bearer of truth caries the good news of liberation. To protect their cages, the people have done more than ignoring Jorrit. He has been ridiculed, laughed at and called a Satan.
Luckily, in October 2005, Jorrit managed to escape the prison-like confines of his own life. He, his girlfriend and me left for France on our bicycles. I left them there a month later, and, as of August 2006, his prison cell still seems empty.
Of my two younger sisters, Laurelin is the youngest. She disrupted the steady trend of the two years interval between all her five older siblings by being born three instead of two years after Myrna, in 1987.
Laurelin likes to look at faces, especially her own. To her credit, this is a pretty(,) good-looking face.
Like me, she likes skating, but she likes it even more. She also dabbles in Wushu a bit, which she likes much less so. Dancing is one of her passions, but don’t disturb her dancing, especially if you’re a fugly retard! If you’re lucky you’ll get away with the crushed nuts threatment. If you’re lucky that is.
If your mirror reflects a Greek demigod of sharp wit and features, you may contact her for romantic encounters. She won’t make do with anything less. These are her own decisive words. Anyway, if you’re curious you may want to learn more:
I hope one day I get to see
The secret land of if
Where in between the maybe’s
The only lonely live
Myrna is one of my sweet little sisters.
See? Sweet as can be.
Two years after me, she was born into this world on May, the 6th. As with me, the place of birth was Norg, but on a different address.
She has long had a temper. This may or may not have something to do with years of torture by her bigger brother and sister (that being me, and Ynske). I’m not sure about her temper now, so just don’t tempt her, and remain on the safe side.
Sicco. He is now the only one who may tempt her.
When she isn’t reading, she writes pretty poems, short stories or even books.
See her own website for more.
Some of the artwork on this page is copyrighted by Myrna. So, if you want to have permission to use anything, I refer you to herself.
I used to share a bedroom with Ynske. This was even more fun than sharing one with Jorrit, because Ynske was always the coziest of everyone. The best thing was that Ynske was born in 1980. This made her only two instead of Jorrit’s four to five years older than me. It used to be so that when I tried to stay awake untill Jorrit had to go to bed, I would inevitably fail, whereas with Ynske we shared the same bed-time for a while. Her company also greatly alleviated my fear of muggers and robbers who jumped at me from my bed-time stories.
2006 Oelebred School trip: Attacking students is just so wrong!
At 26, she’s still a loving, little lady. All the warmth and love which she already posessed as a little child, she now spreads among the children which she teaches.
Before she finished her PABO education to become a certified grade-school teacher, she has taught voltige and horseback riding at riding school Manege de Bongerd.
She still keeps her horse at this riding school.
2006 Oelebred School trip: Happy teachers make happy pupils.
2006 Oelebred School trip: Even more happy teachers.
It could be interesting to put some genealogical information here, if you’re into that sort of thing, which I am not.
Born | Gender | Given name |
1974 | ♀ | Arwen Adinda |
1976 | ♂ | Jorrit Jorik |
1979 | ♀ | Ynske Ylonda |
1982 | ♂ | Rowan Rodrik |
1984 | ♀ | Myrna Marinda |
1987 | ♀ | Laurelin Lucinda |
My mother’s maiden name is Duijm
. She decided to trade back my father for her maiden name after a tiresome marriage of some twenty years.
La Boucoule is an old Provençal farm in the south of the Drôme. An aunt, Nora Roman, lives there together with Ewald Zimmermann, her two kids and some donkeys, dogs, cats, chickens and horses. The farm is located northern of the mont Ventoux.
I’ve spend quite some time there to help with eating, repairing, building and maintaining things.
‘t Weitje is Ton van der Linden and Klaartje Duijm. Their website has some information about their various activities: mostly education and language related.
van der Molenbranch
I got my surname, van der Molen
, from my father, Popko Peter van der Molen.
If you’re interested in van der Molen’s in general, you might want to check out the Van der Molen’s Online Community.
Popko’s brother, Hugo van der Molen, has an extensive website with:
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