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Configuring fetchmail to deliver to Zimbra with custom header added

I needed to fetch mail from a POP3 account and deliver it to a Zimbra account. Because I’m doing this for multiple POP3 accounts, I want to add a header which I can use in Zimbra to filter. This is what we made:

poll server user "user" pass "secret" mda "formail -A 'X-Zimbra-To:'| /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/sendmail -i -t"

The -i tells sendmail to ignore a single dot on a line, because that would normally mean end of mail. The -t is “to” (not the header “To:“).

It is a bit unclear why postfix delivers locally to Zimbra, since doing mail routes through an external SMTP server, which is configured in Zimbra to be used as MTA for outgoing mail. It is configured as ‘webmail MTA’.

1 Comment

  1. karanik

    Is there a way to perform fetching for 50 different zimbra users, when each user has his own pop accounts?

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