Smokes your problems, coughs fresh air.

Tag: Ytec

Recent posts on the YTEC blog

Ytec, where I work since July 31 2015, is an IT company specializing in customer-specific custom software (“klantspecifieke maatwerk software“). Somewhere in late 2015, YTEC deployed a fancy new website based on React, which, to my surprise, is actually indexed somewhat decently by Google. Still, I want to be able to find my own posts on the YTEC blog when I filter by “”, which is why I’m listing my posts there here:

  1. I contributed on a post about developing apps with React Native. Later, I might post some more about the pros and cons of using regular React in combination with Django.
  2. I wrote a post about the advantages of snapshot isolation, which was prompted by my being annoyed with all the problems caused by the Exact Globe ERP not supporting snapshot isolation for MS SQL Server.

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