I hope one day I get to see
The secret land of if
Where in between the maybe’s
The only lonely live


Myrna is one of my sweet little sisters.

See? Sweet as can be.

See? Sweet as can be.

Two years after me, she was born into this world on May, the 6th. As with me, the place of birth was Norg, but on a different address.

She has long had a temper. This may or may not have something to do with years of torture by her bigger brother and sister (that being me, and Ynske). I’m not sure about her temper now, so just don’t tempt her, and remain on the safe side.

Sicco. He is now the only one who may tempt her.

Sicco. He is now the only one who may tempt her.

Whaddashe do?

When she isn’t reading, she writes pretty poems, short stories or even books.


  1. Despite being just as stubbornly lazy as her brother (this brother), in 2001, Myrna did manage to finish her high-school education.
  2. She managed to be admitted to art school with her low-end MAVO diploma, while most of everyone was telling her this wasn’t even allowed. This was still in 2001.
  3. Just before they would have had her starting to believe that making ugly, soulless crap is actually doing a service to society, she escaped art school with her good taste almost intact. Phew…
  4. During the year 2004, she accomplished the amazing feat of losing 20 Kg in about two months time. She has since remained at a healthy weight.


See her own website for more.

Some of the artwork on this page is copyrighted by Myrna. So, if you want to have permission to use anything, I refer you to herself.